Live eSignatures™

The perfect balance. Combine video calling with live document signing within one secure platform.

No downloads or software required. Get started with a simple login and upload your documents instantly. Invite everyone you need securely, with two factor authentication for that extra layer of security.

Finely tuned workflows

Our products are designed to optimize your signing processes so that getting documents and agreements over the line is the easy part.

Always compliant, never complacent

We help reduce risk. Not only cutting out the paper trail, but ensuring the safeguarding of your documents through one centralized location.

Happy customers

Creating a seamless customer experience doesn’t happen by accident. Pactima’s products are an important building block in making sure your customers receive the service they deserve.

With Live eSignature, sessions are live with recordable functionality. Screen share in real time to walkthrough documents with complete transparency.

User friendly

No irritating software or apps to download. Simply log in to our platform and upload any document or file type to get started. Include cover letters, attachments or backing information as and when needed.

Always collaborative

Invite single or multiple people required to sign or witness documents or even team members to be included for document management after the event. Send packages to people for preview before signing, to make the process even easier on the day.

Ultra secure

We take security seriously, with industry leading standards. Providing two-factor authentication/OTP for signers with live sessions that are fully recordable. All live calls are tracked and time-stamped for defensible proof of access, review and signature.

Live and flexible

Screen Share documents, walkthrough the details together. Make amendments or annotations live for everyone to see. Sign documents simultaneously, again all completely live in video for complete transparency.

Automating workflows

Set up finalized documents to be automatically sent to the right people for filing, the days of passing paperwork around are gone. Set up templates or bulk send frequently used documents and automatically amend personalized information.

Plus Pactima’s global features included with any of our products

Stamps, signatures and initials

Add company stamps to documents when needed and save signatures and initials to apply when signing.

Calendar management

Schedule signing sessions through the platform and integrate effortlessly with your calendar and email provider. Never miss a deadline with Pactima.


Save regularly used documents as well as functionality to populate personalized fields, either manually or with a CSV file upload.

Team management

Allow team members varying levels of access and easily assign through subscription management.

Talk to us today to see how easy it is to streamline your document lifecycle with Pactima

Let's schedule a time to chat and we'll walk you through all the awesome features with absolutely no obligation
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API IntegrationsAPI IntegrationsAPI IntegrationsAPI IntegrationsAPI Integrations

Make more connections by integrating with awesome tools you know and love to super-charge your workflows. Reach out to us to learn more about our APIs.